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Africa = Growth

An early stage venture capital firm deploying capital and a suite of support capabilities with a localized approach to the most promising entrepreneurs in Africa


logoWhen it comes to dealing with From Here Ventures, they asked me the right questions and they were looking for the ‘real thing’ when it comes to the business, not just focussing on the ‘hype’.
Amr AbodraiaaFounder & Chief Strategist, Rology
logoLocal support is very important because that context sometimes gets lost in a global world. Having a fund like FHV that understands that environment and has access to networks has proven to be very helpful.
Moses MukundiCEO & Founder, Eden Care
logoGetting access to various experts and picking their brains on how they are thinking about the industry or a problem I'm facing has been very helpful.
Mathenge WaweruCo-founder, Shukran
logoFHV has provided networks at two levels, one, networks to other potential investors, two, networks that give us access to the market.
Ted MugandaCEO, Kinetic
logoFHV's commitment to a pragmatic approach, prioritizing line-of-sight profitability, resonates deeply with our own default strategy. We continue to benefit from their intrinsic understanding of the African business ecosystem, local networks, and tangible value-add services.
Peter N. KironjiCEO, Twiva
logoHaving a local investor who understands the market, really helps you dominate the market.
Davis NyamariFounder and CEO - Zemo.


We deploy capital in various ways with the sole mission to drive sustained value for our portfolio companies and partners.

Our Approach

We invest in

Infrastructure Plays

Scalable solutions at the infrastructure layer of the problem stack upon which an entire industry is built or redefined entirely

– Systemic painkillers

Human Wellbeing

Mission driven entrepreneurs with an unwavering commitment to enhancing human wellbeing

– Human first

Women in leadership

Entrepreneurs who prioritize women in leadership roles and who hold gender balance as a core value

– Power to our women


Mark Karake
Mark Karake


Kevin Irungu
Kevin Irungu

Investment Lead

Emmanuel Kivuva
Emmanuel Kivuva


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